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Financial  and  Cancellation  Policies

Accepted Forms Of Payment: We accept cash, personal checks and credit card payments (American Express, Master Card, Visa and Discover Card). We also accept HSA, Care Credit and Lending Club payment for treatment rendered. For more information on Care Credit and Lending Club no interest payment options, please click on the links at the bottom of this page. We do not routinely offer in-office financing unless you are an existing patient in good standing with our office and have recieved denial from both CareCredit and Lending Club and are in specific financial situations.  


Fees for Services: Our standard (non-insurance) fees for dental services are comparable to other private practices in the area. For patients that are not insured we offer cash discounts, military and senior rates. If any of these options apply to you please ask us for further information. For insured patients, your insurance provider has negotiated lower fees on your behalf and we are required to charge their fees without discounted rates. We can offer small cash discounts (in lieu of credit card finance fees) for insured patients. 


Payment at Time of Service: It is expected that all treatment is paid in full at the time of service unless another arrangement has been made in our office. For non-insured patients the full amount is due at service. For insured patients only the estimated portion (co-pay) will be due at the time of service. If the insurance portion is unpaid by your insurance provider we will contact you to set up a payment arrangement (please see our Insurance Policy page for further information).


Non-payment and Outstanding Balances: Insurance companies can take up to a year to pay their balance for various resaons. If there is any remaining balance due to insurance underpayment or other reason we will contact you through the mail (or email if you prefer) notifying you of your financial obligation. We will mail out 2 statements, if no response or contact is made a final notice will be mailed out. Each of these mailings will occur at 1 month intervals. If no contact is made with our office the account will be turned over to an outside collection agency. If we cannot locate you (phone number, email or address change) your account may be turned over to a collection agency as well. Please keep us updated on any changes in your contact information so we can avoid this scenario.


Accounts Turned Over to Collections:  If there is no action made on an outstanding account as noted above, it may be turned over to a collection agency. All collections and interest fees will be added to the remaining balance prior to sending the account to collections. The collection fee is 40% of the remaining balance. Interest of up to 21% APR will also be added to the balance as well. Please contact our office if you have any questions on remaining balances as we prefer not to involve collection agencies.


Cancellation Policies:  We make every attempt to stay on time and true to your scheduled appointment. Generally we run ahead of appointment times, however, if we are running ahead or behind on time we will do our best to keep you updated on the status of your appointment in our office. While we try to be accomodating of true emergencies and unforseen constraints placed on our patients that may effect their ability to keep appontments, we require a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to a cancellation (as there are many people waiting for appointments). If cancellation is made within the 24 hour window a cancellation fee will be applied in the amount of $50 per hour of scheduled time. For instance; if you were scheduled for 1.5 hours of chair time for a crown and cancelled within the 24 hour grace period you would be charged $75 ($50 x 1.5 hr). Cancellation fees will also be applied for patients that are more than 15 minutes late and the appointment will be rescheduled.

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Silverstone Dental

5731 Silverstone Terrace #220

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

(719) 599.3999

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